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Welcome to the American Government Class.  This section has all the hints, classwork, and clues for both my on level and my honros level course.  I've scafolded the website so that it is at the highest level.   That way both classes push themselves for excellence.  The main difference between the two classes are built into the rubrics.  I set high expectations and maintain a high level of rigor in class.  But I make sure that every student is treated fairly and motivated to the best of their ability.  As such you will be pushed but you will not break. 

A lot of the links for power points and word are broken.  I'm converting them to PDF as fast as I can.  Best bet is to look at the unit pages to find what you need.  I also have easter eggs strewn all about the site, so feel free to wander and click the PDF files as you find them.


P.S.:  Look what this one student did from a different state.  If he can do this, then I know any Jaguar here at Maynard Jackson can go above and beyond.

American Government Syllabus

First Project is a contest from Flocabulary:  You will create a 16 stanza musical song about a historical figure that inspires you.  This is a contest and their are prizes so you will need to work hard this week and do your best.  You are creating a song about a historical figure.  Your song will have to have content and research based in it and can not be just bars and beats.  Good Luck!  For inspiration go to the Flocabulary Website, watch some videos, and play around with the site.

Flocabulary Contest Rules

I like to keep things positive, it promotes student growth and impacts lives.  But sometimes I got to be frank.  In this case it is what to do when you are failing my class.  First you need to conduct a self-reflection.  Are you failing because you don't understand the content or because you don't complete assignments or papers?  Most of the time, not completing work results in poor test scores, as I have developed the class to build daily.  If you fail the unit exam the only option for recovery is to do unit recovery.  Unit recovery is the district recovery program.  It is difficult and you have to take the quizzes and exams during tutorial on Wednesdays.  The address for Unit Recovery is Edgenuity and you can find it at Https:// DO NOT Google it or auto-complete the address as it is a national recovery program that is tailored to APS.  The web site works, you just have to get to it in this manner.  Good Luck.

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